Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Giving is not always physical

This month I am trying to do something to give back to the world around me every day. It's not always easy.

At first, I thought giving meant that I had to physically give up something. Money, clothes, food, etc. Then I realized that sometimes giving is not always physical.

Lately at work I have found that people have really been testing my limits. How far can they push not doing their job without me saying anything. Being a supervisor, I have to make sure that I am doing what is best for those I supervise and the operation around me. I have found myself getting frustrated and irritated by the tests that people place in front of me on a daily basis.

In going with the theme of my month of giving, I decided that I would simply be happy, no mater what is thrown at me, when I am at work. I will go through my entire day with a smile. I will ask people how their day is or if there is anything I can do for them to help them make their day easier.

Since I started doing this, I often find myself just doing things that people have told me, make their jobs easier. I will do some small tasks that will help them get their tasks done quicker. I will go out of my way to make the work area cleaner or tidier.

I have also learned the value of a smile. A smile is the simplest form of happiness. It also happens to be extremely contagious. By smiling throughout my entire day, others begin to smile. I also look approachable. I find that I am having better conversations and that things are progressing more.

Are there still people who cause me frustration at work? Of course. Do I let it get to me? Not as much as I used to.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Free coffee for voters

I've done many different things to give these past 6 days. I will write a separate post to catch everyone up on days 2-5 later.

I want to share what I did today.

This morning I got up at 7 and got to the polls at 8:20. After spending 2 hrs in a chilly rain, I finally got to vote. I expected a wait so I brought a book and some coffee. Others did not and spent the time on their phones or daydreaming.

After I voted I decided to put a little cheer in the line.

I drove to the nearest Starbucks and bought 2 boxes of coffee. The lady told me it would serve 24 but I insisted she give me extra cups. I headed back to the polls.

I hopped out of my car and started in the back of the line, they would be waiting the longest. And I started asking people if they wanted free coffee. Some were skeptical and some thought I was trying to sell Starbucks, but finally someone asked me, "how much?"

I replied, "It's free. I spent two hrs in the rain this morning waiting to vote. I wanted to make the wait a little easier for others."

Once people heard that they were a little more accepting. I was able to give out 30 cups of coffee and I still have half a box left. I was even called a "coffee angel".

My friend Ryan was in line and snapped this picture. I posted it to Facebook with this:

After spending 2 hrs waiting in line to vote today, I decided that I would buy some coffee for everyone else who ha to wait 2+ hrs in line. I bought 2 Starbucks boxes of coffee and sure it may have cost me about $30. But I made 30 people in that long line happy. Sure I may not be going to Jellyrolls, or out to eat, or even getting those colored napkins for my wedding, but I really made an impression on people.

Not everyone gets the right to vote. We do. So I just wanted to say thank you for everyone taking a few hours out of their day to vote.

Happy Election Day!

Friday, November 2, 2012

A month of Giving

Since November is the month which houses Thanksgiving, I wanted to dive head first into my Random Acts of Kindness every day mission. I thought this was going to be hard. In fact, I think as the days go on it may get harder to find things to do. I suppose there is no shame in repeating some of the acts though.

Yesterday I wasn't really thinking about doing it. However, as I pulled into Starbucks after work I noticed that the line was growing long in the drive thru. I decided today I would pay for the car behind me.

At first, I didn't think anyone was going to pull behind me. Then right before I pulled up to order a car pulled up behind me. I was excited. As I say with my window down I heard the lady rhino me trying to order a wrap. Starbucks didn't have the kind she wanted nor any sandwich she wanted for that matter. She just wanted something easy to eat in the car. She may have be frustrated, I would be.

Anyways, I paid for her. It wasn't very much. I think it was an extra $7 on my side. I don't know how she reacted to the news. I drove off and continued with my errands. I would like to think that she appreciated it. That it made her smile. One might even go as far to hope that maybe she paid for the car behind her and started a chain of Random Acts of Kindness.

So that kicked off my month of giving. I'm not sure what I am going to do today. I have been praying that The Lord will lead me to people that could use a but of kindness in their lives. We will see what happens!