Friday, July 29, 2011

Bloggy Bracelet Swap

I recently participated in Michabella's Bloggy Bracelet Swap! It was such fun and now I have some cool new accessories!
I got two lovely new bracelets.

They are shown here with my morning coffee Mike mug. Very stylish!

The first one of beautiful blue beads is from the lovely Nicole over @teampipkin. Her daughter picked it out for me and I think it's perfect!

The second one is a lovely Stella and Dot bracelet from Crissa who can be found This bracelet is a from the Stella and Dot foundation and it supports positive change in women! How lucky I am to have this bracelet because I am making some positive changes myself!!

Speaking of Positive Change...

Dave and I have talked a lot this weekend and we have decided on big things! The first thing is that I have plans to go back to school. I really really really desire a MFA in theatre, however, I'm super rusty and may have to settle for a MBA instead. That's ok since I have become extremely business minded over the past year and talk of the Cafe.

The second is that we are going to start looking into buying a house. I know what you are thinking. Lauren and Dave you aren't even married yet...wait, you're not even engaged yet! Well there is good news folks. Dave is working on a promotion. Should he get it, then we have plans to be engaged within the next 6-8 months. This is something we have talked about a lot and we want to make sure all our finances are in a row before diving into anything extreme. Oh, and this does not spoil an ounce of surprise since I don't know when, where, how, or even what the ring will look like. If the promotion doesn't happen, we will still keep our plans at bay, though they may take a little longer!

Finally...Happy Friday Friends!!! I hope you all have an amazing weekend! I'll be working away until my weekend (which is Tuesday/Wednesday)! Have a safe and happy weekend!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

For the Love

(image from SIVacations)

Recently I went on vacation. I went to a lovely little place called Sea Isle City, New Jersey. It's a place my family has visited every year of my life. It's special to me. The reason why I love this little shore town so much is because it's quite. Sure it tends to get a bit busy, but it's nothing like Wildwood or Ocean City, the major beach town destinations. So on a Monday morning, while sitting on the beach reading this amazing book about how Starbucks built their company, my mind began to wander.

I asked myself: "Lauren what do you love?" My silly little self replied as follows...

I Love:
David. He is my heartbeat and constant encourager. He is my inspiration and best friend.

I Love:
Jesus. No picture needed. Jesus is awesome and my reason for being. He has big plans for me in this world and I have no clue what they are yet. I just know I am going to change the world one day, whether it be in a big or small way.

I Love:
Taking pictures and making movies. I mean I have a degree in Broadcast Production, I just don't have the monetary funds to buy my own camera, a new computer, and a new editing system to start my own business and hone my skills. Here is a video I made in the beginning of my college days. It's just a bunch of pictures set to music, but it means a lot to me because the people in it mean a lot to me. We were a bunch of theatre kids and we loved every second of it.

I Love:
The wedding and event industry. I don't know why I am so drawn to it. Perhaps it's because I love fairytales. Perhaps it's because I love how creative people can get. I'm not really sure, but I would love to work in this industry somehow.

I Love:
Food. Let me clarify. I live with a chef. He's amazing at what he does. I eat a lot of GREAT food! So I love food. I love learning about food. I love how food and coffee brings people together around a table. I love stories behind foods. Most of all, I love baking! This past year I have had the opportunity to bake some amazing irish breads and pastries for Dave's work. They were so impressed that I was asked to come in and make some for their VPs for St. Patrick's Day. I got to work in a REAL kitchen and I relished every second of it. I love making treats that make people just sink to bliss. That classic "mmmmmm" feeling.

I Love:
Life. My current life is crazy beautiful. Yes, I have a job that I love but doesn't satisfy me. I crave more. I crave excitement and adventure. I crave the great unknown. I crave a different kind of interaction with people. I am a HUGE people person. So I love interacting with them in different ways. I crave the outdoors and I love exploring the indoors. I have a hunger for life and I need to live it to the extreme. That is why I am proud to be part of the movement my friend Casie started for her beautiful sister Kellie. The Live Out Loud movement encourages us to live life to it's fullest and not just sit and accept life for less than it has to offer.

I found out what I love, now I just have to make something of it. If anyone needs to hire anyone, let me know. I may be looking for a better job. Shhhh, don't tell the Mouse though. I am craving change. Change is good.

So what do you love? What are you craving?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Musings

Wow! It's been a week since I wrote, but in my defense I was on vacation and went right back to work as soon as I came back.'s time to write today!

Here a few of my Monday Musings.

1. Tiny Water Blisters

I'm not going to provide a picture for this because it's really strange and gross. I have heard of many people who get them, but no one can tell me how to get rid of them. I have them only on one finger and they appeared on my first day back to work last week. It has caused my finger to be swollen and puffy and I hate it! Anyone know how to get rid of them?

2. Money Matters

I am finding it hard to trust the Lord to provide for us. This is so silly because every time I don't think we are going to make it, we do. Dave is seeing the possibility of promotion and that is great for him, but we aren't married or anything so really it doesn't matter when it comes to me and money. I just really want to pay off my school loans sooner rather than later. If you are praying person, please pray that I can put all my money worries on the Lord and that He will show me that I have nothing to fear when it comes to Him providing for me.

3. Pack Your Bags!

Dave and I have 3 vacations planned for next year! Can you believe it? We never get to take vacations!

Our first one is in February when we will head up to Penn State University and spend the weekend at THON. THON is a 46 hr dance marathon for kids with pediatric cancer. I have been involved in THON since I was a Freshman in college and I still am a part of it today (even though I'm so far away).

Everyone throwing their diamonds in the air

Then in April my cousin is getting married in VA.
Then in September my baby bro is getting married back at home in PA. Those wedding bells are def ringing. I wonder who will be next?

That's all for today. I have to work 5:15pm until 1:45 am tonight then I can finally have two days off! Yay!!! Be sure to check back tomorrow for my post about the Bloggy Bracelet Swap!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sending out a Signal

Hi Friends!

Some of you know that I am currently on vacation with my family. I am having a great time and I have been very relaxed, which is great for me. Working 6 days for 3 straight months is rough. I don't recommend it to anyone. So this time away from all things Disney related is nice. Though I couldn't escape the Star Wars references (especially during the Women's World Cup).

Anyways, the signal I am sending up is for some prayers. Last night Dave was on his way to church when he was in car accident on I-4. An SUV cut him off and the guy in front of the SUV hit is brakes and so It was a three car minor collision. Dave was NOT hurt but the car has a lot of damage and will take three weeks to repair. While his insurance will cover most of it, it is still going to be costly since he will have to rent a car. Dave and I are going to try and work around each other's schedules with work to car pool for as long as we can. I ask that you keep us in your prayers. This is going to test our patience with each other as Dave like to get to work with minutes to spare and I like to be at work with plenty of extra time.

As if that wasn't enough, Dave got a call yesterday after his accident that his grandfather probably wasn't going to make it through the night. Some of you may have read my post on the other blog about our trip to Phoenix in March. We went there for the sole purpose of visiting his grandmom and grandpop while his poppop was in hospice. This morning after Dave got off the phone with the car dealer, he got the call that his Grandfather has passed last night. Needless to say, Dave is having a rough start to his week. What kills me the most is that I am not there to comfort him. I asked him if he wanted me to come home and he wants me to stay right where I am. I return in a few days. It is killing me to be away from him during all of this. I just want to be there for him and let him know that everything will be ok. The only thing that consoles me is that I know that the Lord is meeting Dave right where he is at in these moments. While I can't be there, I know that Dave has a lot of support in his work place and people that care about him around to make up for me. I do miss him a lot.

To put some icing on this cake: last night after my phone calls with Dave, my brother's fiancee found out that her grandfather has taken a turn for the worst as well. It's only a matter of time. So now my grandmother and my cousins, my parents and my sister had to deal with three crying young adults.

Prayer Requests: Please keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers. Distance only makes the heart grow stronger and trust me it is. My family lost my Pop almost a year ago. We came down the shore this week (like we do every year) and are trying to celebrate his life, but it's still hard on us. Now everyone else's grandpops are in similar situations. Please pray for peace, comfort, and strength.

Silver Lining: For me, all of this happened at the beach. The beach is the one place I go to where I can always find peace. There can be a million screaming babies around me, but as long as my toes are in the sand and the waves are washing over my feet, I am at peace. I don't know why that is, I just am. This is going to help strengthen David and I in ways that we never could imagine. I am thankful that the Lord has put us where we are to deal with this.

All of this may be sad but we must remember: It's all a part of life. It's said that when a person dies, a baby is born. Life is a cycle and we must celebrate the lives of those we have lost. We must live out their memories and carry them in our hearts.

In the words of Mufasa:
They live in you
They live in me
They're watching over
Everything we see
In every creature
In every star
In your reflection
They live in you

And always remember: Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Thank you friends for your love and support

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TMB Thursday: Potter Style

WOOOT! This week's Take Me Back Thursday involves some lovable wizards and a great story!

If you guessed HARRYight!

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone made it's debut in 1997. Over the next 10 years the world would come to love Harry Potter. I guess I should say most of the world. There was a lot of controversy over the books and some religious cultures. I also know a lot of people who hated the story.

Despite all that, Harry Potter was a story that I loved. I could relate to the story. I was connected with the characters. I was lost in the story. I grew up reading books that were way above my reading level (I was reading Dickens by 5th grade). I really enjoyed a book that was right at my level.

In 2007 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out. I was in Vail, Co and my Summer Project mates and I went to a supermarket at midnight to pick up the book. It was crazy and a night I will never forget. I read it in just under 4 days. It was great!

How cute are these kids?

It's sad to think that it all ends tomorrow night at midnight. It's the end of an era really. I cannot wait to see how it all plays out in movie form. I'm also really excited that I am going to have this to pass on to my kids. I won't get to see the movie until a week after it comes out due to vacation. Nonetheless I am going to enjoy every minute of the movie!

And Just for Fun :)

What are your thoughts? Are you happy to see it go? Feel sad that it's all over?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Perfect shoes

I am in love with these shoes. I am so much in love with them, that I have considered wearing them on my own wedding day and I'm not even engaged yet!

These shoes are made by TOMS. If you have never worn TOMS shoes, you are missing out. They are super comfortable and they have a One for One policy. For every pair of TOMS you buy, they give a pair of shoes to someone in need. TOMS hosts many shoe drops a year and you can volunteer to go with them! It's a great organization! Also, the prices aren't too bad (for two pairs of shoes).

The TOMS Wedding Collection is amazing! They have given men and women beautiful shoes for their special day. Not only that, but they have shoes for the whole wedding party down to the smallest members.

I am beyond excited for this and I know I am a little late on the curve. However, I am going to share some photos with you anyway!

Blue Glitter Shoes! LOVE THESE!

For the Groom: Black Velvet

Ivory Glitters!

I hope you love them as much as I do! It would be so great to have these! The best part about TOMS is that you don't have to choose something from their wedding collection. They have so many different styles, any of their shoes would be great!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


A few days ago I had a spark of inspiration. Dave and I are taking some serious steps in our relationship. We have been talking about possibly getting married some day and having a family, etc. So I have decided that when the time comes, I want to do two things for our engagement shoot.

The first thing I want to do is have a kitchen themed engagement shoot. Dave is a chef for a living and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake in my free time (which is not very much). I think it would be adorable to have us getting messy in the kitchen. I could slap him with an icing covered spatula and he could show me how to probably flip veggies. Can you just imagine the possibilities? It would be so much fun!

The second idea I have stems from a movie that has become close to our hearts. That movie would be Disney's Tangled. Dave tells me that I have Rapunzel's child-like spirit and seems to think he is as slick as Mr. Flynn Rider. He has tried countless times to give me the smolder and it fails. I do get a good chuckle out of it though.

Anyways here are some pictures that inspired me for our shoot, whenever it comes.

Rapunzel, Flynn, and I in EPCOT

One of my favorite shots:

I love these lanterns:

So close:

Gotta be tough:

If only we could find a white horse.... lol

Can't you just see the two of us doing something silly like these? haha I haven't told him of my plans yet...hopefully he says yes. Then again, I guess I'm the one who has to say yes first. :p
What do you guys think?
What inspired you?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Take me back Thursday!

WHOOT! It's Thursday!

This week is inspired by a new item I saw while shopping last week before all the craziness started.


Slap bracelets were awesome when I was a kid. It was cool to have them and so much fun to play with. Today they are making a come back but in watch form! Why didn't I think of this? I could be making moolah right now. haha has slap watches for pretty cheap if you are interested, but look around the next time you are at the mall. You'll probably find them in Claire's or a similar store.

Do you have any fun slap bracelet stories?

Light at the end of the tunnel

Well it's been no shocker that I have been working 6/7 day work weeks with the opening of the new attraction. I am worn out, exhausted, and surprised that I never caught any of the bugs that went around. Big YAY!

I'm just not sure how much longer I can keep up with this routine.

A few weeks ago I found out my vacation time got approved! I basically ran around the apartment screaming and jumping up and down. I am finally going to spend some time with my family and get out of this state and lay on a beach! The only sad part is that Dave can't come with me because he didn't get this time approved. (This is typical for our work schedules)

I'm not super sad for him though. He was on vacation this past weekend and he had a blast. Not only did he visit his family, but he stopped by my house one night and had BBQ and drinks with my parents and neighbors. Can you imagine how surprised I was when this picture was texted to me:

Yup. I was surprised!

I can totally see my light at the end of the tunnel. It is only 9 short days away. It just stinks that 8 of those days are work days.

Are you guys excited for your vacation? Where are you all heading this summer?