Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Take Me Back Thursdays!

Welcome to the first of Take Me Back Thursdays!!

On Thursdays I am going to try posting something that takes me back in time to some good old days of being younger.

This week is special because not only does it take me back, it is making a come back! SO here is the new trailer for the Winnie The Pooh movie, coming to theatres soon!!!

I grew up with Poohbear. When I was a kid Pooh wasn't animated, it was more like a Teletubbies with people in costumes as someone narrated a story from the many Poohbear stories. I have kept Pooh with me and even quote him today. I recently read a book called "Winnie The Pooh on Management".

I am going to recommend this movie to everyone! We can learn so much from that Sill Old Bear and his friends! Not to mention, the song in the trailer is one of my all-time favorite songs!

Loving Laughter

Yesterday I had to do some yucky things. By yucky things I mean things that make most people cringe.

The first thing I had to do was get blood work done. It is probably number 2 only yucky scale (number 1 being spiders). I don't mind needles but not when they suck blood out of me. So I spent 20 minutes of my morning with my eyes closed. That includes the second my butt hit the chair until they let me leave. So, yucky.

After that I had to get two new tires on my car. That means spending money and to most people who don't make a lot of money would say that was yucky.

Needless to say, I was kinda grumpy. However, when Dave and I decided to take a nap before he went to work something changed. I jumped into bed and made a sad face. When Dave asked me what was wrong I showed him my arm where I had taken the bandaid off and said, "It's gross." Seconds later I was cracking up and laughing. At first Dave thought I was crying at first, but quickly realized I was laughing. All I kept saying was "It's gross" and then laughing. For some reason I found such joy in the fact that I was acting like a 3 year old.

Later Dave left for work and I finished my errands and decided to take the day off. I thought about how amazing it felt to laugh like I had earlier that day. Laughter is great! The best kind of laughter is the kind where you laugh until you cry.

Not only is laughter the best medicine, laughter is a great way to get good ab muscles.

Sometimes I think we get so caught up in the troubles of life that we forget how great it feels to truly laugh. Not a fake laugh, but a good hearty belly laugh.

What have you laughed at today?

Found this on Esty

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Unpacking the Boxes

Hello Friends!

Wow! I moved PDP over to blogger for a bit. Currently I am in the process of upgrading the Wordpress website and need a new place to be. The best news about coming over here, is that I can write about everything and anything and post about whatever! I was trying very hard to keep the Wordpress site for Pixie Dusted Proposals only.

So to celebrate the new move lets play 10 Questions. This may help you get to know me better.

What is your current mood?
Exhausted. I've been on 6 day work weeks for the past 3 months.

What are you currently watching?
Cupcake Girls on WE

What are you eating?
Mac n' Cheese. Yum!

What is your favorite food?
Pickles. I'm weird I know.

What is something you are excited for?
My vacation in a few weeks and Jellyrolls tonight!

Name one thing you can't live without.
Teddy ~ A bear my mom bought me when we went Black Shopping for the first time.

Name one goal you have.
To open my own cafe/coffee shop one day

What is one thing you wish you had?
More time to bake.

If you could go back to school what would you go for?
Business management or baking

What is one of your favorite movies and why?
Beauty and the Beast because it is a great story and fun to watch!

I hope you come back to visit!