Monday, July 18, 2011

Sending out a Signal

Hi Friends!

Some of you know that I am currently on vacation with my family. I am having a great time and I have been very relaxed, which is great for me. Working 6 days for 3 straight months is rough. I don't recommend it to anyone. So this time away from all things Disney related is nice. Though I couldn't escape the Star Wars references (especially during the Women's World Cup).

Anyways, the signal I am sending up is for some prayers. Last night Dave was on his way to church when he was in car accident on I-4. An SUV cut him off and the guy in front of the SUV hit is brakes and so It was a three car minor collision. Dave was NOT hurt but the car has a lot of damage and will take three weeks to repair. While his insurance will cover most of it, it is still going to be costly since he will have to rent a car. Dave and I are going to try and work around each other's schedules with work to car pool for as long as we can. I ask that you keep us in your prayers. This is going to test our patience with each other as Dave like to get to work with minutes to spare and I like to be at work with plenty of extra time.

As if that wasn't enough, Dave got a call yesterday after his accident that his grandfather probably wasn't going to make it through the night. Some of you may have read my post on the other blog about our trip to Phoenix in March. We went there for the sole purpose of visiting his grandmom and grandpop while his poppop was in hospice. This morning after Dave got off the phone with the car dealer, he got the call that his Grandfather has passed last night. Needless to say, Dave is having a rough start to his week. What kills me the most is that I am not there to comfort him. I asked him if he wanted me to come home and he wants me to stay right where I am. I return in a few days. It is killing me to be away from him during all of this. I just want to be there for him and let him know that everything will be ok. The only thing that consoles me is that I know that the Lord is meeting Dave right where he is at in these moments. While I can't be there, I know that Dave has a lot of support in his work place and people that care about him around to make up for me. I do miss him a lot.

To put some icing on this cake: last night after my phone calls with Dave, my brother's fiancee found out that her grandfather has taken a turn for the worst as well. It's only a matter of time. So now my grandmother and my cousins, my parents and my sister had to deal with three crying young adults.

Prayer Requests: Please keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers. Distance only makes the heart grow stronger and trust me it is. My family lost my Pop almost a year ago. We came down the shore this week (like we do every year) and are trying to celebrate his life, but it's still hard on us. Now everyone else's grandpops are in similar situations. Please pray for peace, comfort, and strength.

Silver Lining: For me, all of this happened at the beach. The beach is the one place I go to where I can always find peace. There can be a million screaming babies around me, but as long as my toes are in the sand and the waves are washing over my feet, I am at peace. I don't know why that is, I just am. This is going to help strengthen David and I in ways that we never could imagine. I am thankful that the Lord has put us where we are to deal with this.

All of this may be sad but we must remember: It's all a part of life. It's said that when a person dies, a baby is born. Life is a cycle and we must celebrate the lives of those we have lost. We must live out their memories and carry them in our hearts.

In the words of Mufasa:
They live in you
They live in me
They're watching over
Everything we see
In every creature
In every star
In your reflection
They live in you

And always remember: Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Thank you friends for your love and support

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